Monday, June 26, 2017

This Poem

This is a poem;
It may seem as I write;
That the words,
The phrases,
Are only growing.

This poem.
It may just be a poem;
But this poem brings warmth.
Warmth to the soul.
Warmth to the mind.
Warmth to the heart.

This poem.
It may just be a poem;
But as I write;
As the poem grows;
The poem just seems to flow.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


A penguin;
When you look at their faces,
You don't have to mention;
How beautiful a penguin can be.

These penguins;
You see them.
And the heart is instantly strengthened.

A penguin;
Take it into your arms.
Cuddle it,
And show it affection.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Dark Cloud

A dark cloud.
It rolls in.
Rolls in with intensity.
This cloud is one with much more density.
This dark cloud.
It has intent;
Intent to cause havoc.
This cloud will pick up a hammock.
Buckle down.
Look up,
Look down,
Look all around.
How bad is the storm?
What has it done?
Go outside and check.
This storm was certainly a big one.
But everything is okay.
But everyone is okay.
It started as a dark cloud;
And ended as a light show.

A storm

A storm;
A buildup of the sky's anger;
Let out in a day at a time.

A flash;
Static electricity built up from anger;
Anger that comes from the sky.

Rumble and tumble over the land;
After the flash;
Releases the anger from the sky.

Is this a story about a storm? In the eyes of some it is. But others will see the real world connection to anger and how the release of all of the buildup from the sky is followed by the relaxation of thunder. A thunderstorm is a metaphor for life. We all have times of anger, frustration, strife, annoyment; but what we need to do is relax just like the thunder does. 

Saturday, April 29, 2017


A thought that crosses the mind. You have a bit of time and the mind wanders into a world of its own. It wanders into a story. A story of a horse in a lively forest. This horse walks to the edge as he approaches a vast open field that seems to extend forever; just as the forest did. Just as he walks out he comes across a fox and it takes him back; scares him almost. How can a fox scare a horse? This isn't just any fox. This fox can talk, and it's bite is poisonous. This fox is the leader of a great army that extends over all of the plains, just waiting for this one horse. But this isn't just any horse either. He stands tall with a low, deep voice and commands nature; he commands the trees. The trees who when called upon will shoot out their thorns at any invaders. So now it's on. It's animals versus the trees. Who will win?

Sunday, April 2, 2017


We may use the term "nature" a lot when we speak; but what does the term "nature" actually mean? Is "nature" an adjective? Is "nature" a noun? Is "nature" a verb? If you were to ask me, then I would say that "nature" is a subject. A subject? Think about the term "nature," and how it is used. We may all use "nature" as one universal term; but "nature" in itself is stemmed off into many branches of smaller definitions. For example, we may use "nature" to describe mountains, rivers, trees, and animals. But that is just the beginning. What is the nature of how you act? What is the nature of how you think? What is the nature of how you live your life and how do we experience nature in our lives? "Nature" is the world; and all of the emotions that come along with it. "Nature" is a tree; holding all of these contents into one beautiful spectacle.